Thursday, November 26, 2009

I am thankful...

1. that I am not a turkey
2. that I am not a Native American during the colonial era or around when everyone was all Manifest Destiny about stuff
3. for my students being awesome, and knowing that saying "I love Harry Potter" is a good way to get extra points during a game
4. that unlike most of those mentioned above, I have a wealth of opportunity, and can, therefore, really truly look forward to a wonderful future
5. for my family and Neema
6. for #5 helping me help #3 avoid the fate similar to that of #1 and #2
7. for my having the sense to say: I'm not minimizing how awful it must have been to have been on the losing side of America's expansion by comparing it to the life of a turkey. I'm just saying either would be pretty awful.


  1. You're off my list of things I am thankful for.
    You're a dugack.
    At least my blog is ENGLISH.

  2. yeah what is up with that gobbledy gook???

  3. turkeys are treasures. the slogan for TNG (the next generation)

  4. have you seen this? kate drabinski posted it to her facebook. it is so good/sad/funny.


tell me what you want what you really really (or kind of sort of) want