1) bores Neema,
2) tends to be patriarchal/capitalist,
3) is nonetheless unavoidable,
4) makes both our moms sooooo happy,
5) and is actually appealing, if only #2 didn't bug me so much.
I'm figuring out what needs to go on my registry. I thought picking things out that others will buy for me would be super exciting. Yet, I'm encountering a host of problems.*
I've mostly been focusing on dinnerware, and it's overwhelming.
1. The few things I really like are
a) seasonal or something, and therefore soon-to-be-discontinued
b) made to be used in the outdoors, and therefore plastic
c) for kids, not married adults
Puelba Dinnerware, Pottery Barn
Outdoor Dinnerware, Pottery Barn
Ceramic Animal Plate, Pottery Barn Kids
2. Honestly, I would just register for animal plates; but not only are they technically for kids, they are on sale. This means they're gone in a month or so. And I'm getting married next year. And no one in my family would buy kids' plates for me anyways. And they're $23 each. Why are plates so expensive? In class we would talk about how women of color often face multiple oppressions--an example being that of an African-American woman having to turn to a often-racist/brutal police force to report domestic abuse and risk sending another member of her community to jail. I'm oversimplifying it, nonetheless there is a parallel in my mind between the compacted oppressions many face in the real world and the compacted oppressions I face in the china-choosing world. This juxtaposition in my mind is a gross injustice against real injustice, but I can't help it.
3. I also really, really love this Medallion set from Target, which also is not likely to be around next year. I would have to register for a few sets of it (since I looooove having people over for dinner), and would likely have to get some plain white serving platters, bowls, etc. to go with it. I don't want to think about it much, though, again, because of the good chance I won't be able to register for it. It breaks my heart that it's so affordable/lovely/much like the unaffordable/lovely Hermes Balcons Du Guadalquivir collection:
A five-piece place setting (for one person) is $430. It astounds me that some people in this world can be starving and others can eat off of $125 dinner plates. That said, the 16-piece Target set at $50, I'm sure, is unaffordable and exorbitant for many. Further, given the option between my longtime if-I-had-the-money-and-the-conscience purchase, the Hermes Kelly Bag and the Balcons Du Guadalquivir, I don't know that I could choose.
4. Mostly only traditional (read: boring) china sets at places like Macy's and Williams-Sonoma don't tend to be only seasonal. I'm worried I'll have to settle and eat off of plain, white plates forever.
If so, I prefer some texture:
Pillyvuyt Basketweave Dinnerware, Williams-Sonoma
5. I'm not sure if these will/have been discontinued, but if not, what do you think of
Laurel Canyon by Kate Spade? I mostly like it because of the animal print involved. But will I like it when I get tired of animal prints? Will I get tired of animal prints? Would a boy like these plates? To eat off of forever? Do I have to use these forever?
6. Can you believe that I still haven't covered like a ton of other stuff I need to register for? Linens and whatever.
7. I seriously just spend an hour writing about china patterns on my blog. Ideally, I would just have spent an hour at the flea market with Neema and picked one of each different plates/mugs/tea sets or whatever and eat off/entertain with that stuff. Pottery Barns makes me feel like that's impossible/ugly/not reasonable.
8. If I go all-white, could I get pieces from different collections to make it less boring?
9. Whatever I choose, I will probably break within a couple of days of receiving it. I am clumsy.
*Did I use 'host' correctly in this sentence?"