Once I took a class on the archaeology of gender, and, since then, I have been scared of contracting cribra orbitalia aka porotic hyperostosis. Basically, if you are malnutritioned (is this a verb?), your bones can start to get spongey. And the spongey marrow in your head can start sponging all over the place... including your eye sockets, as shown in the above photograph.
Sometimes, my eyes hurts and I am scared. I worry that the skull sponge marrow is growing into my eyeball and if I touch my eyelids, I will feel it under them. I didn't eat any vegetables today. What if I am malnutritioned? What if bone sponge grows all up in my eye sockets? I'm going to eat a children's chewable vitamin before I go to bed in hopes of preventing such an awful fate.
Can you prevent fate?
Once, I took an online quiz to see if I had adult ADD (or rather, to see if I should bother seeing a doctor about it to be for-real diagnosed). I remember it asked if I ever felt like more than a couple TV channels were on in my head. I said yes then, and still say yes now. But what's good is that each individual channel has a clearer signal these days than ever before.