I took or found these pictures as inspiration for the aesthetic for my future home. Why is everything simple/minimal/Japanese-inspired/neutral/subdued, when all I want is elaborate, layered, complementary/mismatched-patterns and portraits hanging in from of mirrors?

Also, I love/Lowes does not carry these floor tiles from some place in Paris, which I believe had a golden dome. Why are there no dinner plates that follow this color scheme? Why do people cringe when I seem to think more than one pattern of wall paper + patterned drapes + these tiles would make for a lovely home?

I probably should not have taken this picture of a portrait hanging the Louvre. But the West probably should not have colonized the East.
This painting should not seem out-of-place in any future home of mine.
I hope to recreate this Salon aesthetic, minus all the French dudes.
Did you know I cannot find bedsheets in this beautiful shade of green? Because I cannot.
Did you know the only dinner plates that are embellished just enough to be just a little over-the-top are not microwave safe? Did you know I will not deal with dinner plate that is not microwave safe?
Looking at these photos has led me to conclude:
1) I have to learn to reupholster my own chairs
2) Neema and I will get to go to flea market to find antique furniture.
3) Hanging portraits in front of mirrors has got to be possible in this day and age.