Wednesday, May 20, 2009

1. I don't 'get' Twitter. Not at all. I'm not sure I care to figure it out.
2. I miss my long hair a whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole lot. I realized I keep cutting it short because I hate hate hate medium hair.
3. I like the way tumblr looks but hate how it's spelled, so I will stick to blogspot, even though it's visually displeasing.
4. Remember when getting my hair cut meant finding a pair of scissors and cutting off pieces I didn't like?
5. Just look at me with long, long hair (ignore that I look kind of gross).
6. Soon, I'm going to write about how I miss feeling young, like I do in the picture.
7. I miss England.

1 comment:

  1. for some reason, i have only just discovered your blog, or i would have said something earlier.

    england misses you too.


tell me what you want what you really really (or kind of sort of) want